Bhumi | Ignite
Bhumi, NGO, Youth Organisation
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Ignite Tag

Bhumi’s Transformational Education Programme at schools focuses on improving social-emotional development, strengthening teacher professional development, and leadership. In-school facilitators who work directly with the children, teachers, and headmasters work towards creating an ecosystem that will help the child thrive in a fearless learning environment.To inject...

Lakshya, Bhumi’s life skill project pairs underprivileged children with volunteers who act as their mentors and role models. The objective is to enrich the lives of underprivileged children (mentees) through a caring relationship with a personal mentor who supports, encourages and builds their self-confidence....

We cannot underestimate the significance of teachers in our lives and in society. While passion for teaching cannot be learned, there are other skills and knowledge which can be developed and shared to improve as a teacher and impart better learning.  Super Teacher Workshop is one...